Unexpected crisis events, including publicly announced criminal indictments, major work-related accidents, financial statement errors, product defect reports, corporate governance or compliance failures, and negative media campaigns, can be very delicate matters. Effectively managing such crises is critical for clients, as an untimely, inappropriate, or inadequate response, or no response at all, could exacerbate the situation, making it insoluble and potentially destabilizing the organization.
The occurrence of a crisis event can impact many aspects of a business, making its effective management crucial for organizations in all sectors. Effective crisis management requires well-established coordination and communication among multidisciplinary teams, development of strategic management plans, and leadership to address various aspects of the crisis. This includes taking immediate and coordinated legal actions and managing crisis communications with governmental agencies, stakeholders, and the media.
GSI has a successful history of representing clients in such crises, with a strong team of crisis management experts who have dealt with many high-profile cases that became headlines across the country in recent years. We respond immediately to crises, strategically managing them to optimize the clients’ outcomes.
At GSI, our main objectives are to assist our clients in managing their situations and to prevent or mitigate any damage to their reputation and long-term business plans. We continue to support our clients even after a crisis has concluded, helping them proceed while minimizing potential risks.