Mr. Serkan KAYIS
Mr. Serkan KAYIS

Mr. Serkan KAYIS

Senior Associate


LL.M., Queen Mary University, International Corporate Law, UK LL.B., Atılım University,Turkey


İstanbul Bar Association

Mr. Serkan KAYIS

Serkan Kayış, who completed his law undergraduate education in 2020, joined GSI as a legal intern after earning his master's degree in International Business Law from Queen Mary University in 2021. In addition to his law degree, Kayış also holds a Bachelor's degree in International Entrepreneurship, which included a year of study at Moscow State University. This experience broadened his understanding of the Russian commercial environment. Demonstrating exceptional academic performance, Kayiş completed both undergraduate programs in three years and gained valuable experience interning at a law firm specializing in energy law and renewable energy investments during his master's studies.

At GSI, Kayış focuses on Mergers & Acquisitions, company incorporations, complex commercial transactions, and the drafting and negotiation of commercial agreements and corporate transactions. He is actively involved in the drafting and negotiation of share transfer agreements for companies in finance, logistics, defense industry, and mining. His responsibilities also include managing due diligence processes, creating, managing, and coordinating data rooms related to these processes, as well as establishing and modifying legal entity shareholding structures and preparing company documentation regarding the decision-making mechanisms of legal entities.